This is to inform that the online (web based) ‘Course and Teaching Evaluation System’ for Semester II, Session 2008/2009 will start from the 10th of March 2009, 8.30 am and end on the 17th of April 2009, 11.59 pm. It is COMPULSORY for all first degree students to evaluate the courses they have registered in the current semester.
Students have to log into the Course and Teaching Evaluation System (CTES) by browsing http://umctes.um.edu.my/ using the perdanamail account. Please take note that students who fail to do the Course and Teaching Evaluation within the given period will be barred from the online early registration for courses in Semester I, Session 2009/2010.
Thank You.
Date: 5 March 2009
Released by: Academic Division
University of Malaya
University of Malaya
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